How to Make Your Home Look Expensive on a Budget

Before I discovered cost effective ways of how to make my home look expensive on a budget, I used to feel bad when I saw how pretty other people’s houses looked. I would go to pinterest and print out photos of how I would want my bathroom or living room to look like. 

However, all those designs seemed expensive and out of my reach. Then I came across some YouTube videos on how to decorate your home on a budget, and from there I got several budget friendly ideas. Most of the ideas did not cost more than five dollars. I believe that these tips might go a long way in helping you decorate your home to your heart’s contentment.

DIY Projects

Whether you are making wall art, floor rugs or DIY storage areas, you can do this easily by carrying out a DIY project. It will even be more fun if you can get other family members to help. Most DIY projects have video systematic tutorials on YouTube, and when this is not the case, at least one person might have uploaded a text version. 

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DIY project is a personal favorite because the raw materials are usually readily available in the house. For example, when making wall art, you might need things like Manila paper or old cardboard boxes or simply a stick from your backyard. The only resource that you are going to need in plenty is time. A lot of time and patience. Because believe me, you are not going to get it right the first time.

Thrift Shop

Thrifting is not only exciting, but also very resourceful. You have no idea what valuable thing you are going to find on a thrifting trip. It always amazes me how people can discard off such great items.

However, I am not complaining because I end up as the benefactor. Just like doing DIY project, thrifting requires your time, patience and a good eye. You might have to go to many different spots before you find what you want. Once you do, you are going to be very happy that you did not give up.

Moreover, the best part is, the item that you are going to get will cost you next to nothing. Thrifting should definitely be on the top of your lit on o to make your house look expensive on a budget.

Yard Sale

Another gruesome yet very successful procedure is going through a yard sale. Just like thrifting, people often get rid of items that are very functioning and useful.

I have gotten a unique lampstand and antique coffee table from a yard sale at 10 dollars each and I could not be happier about it. If I was to get the same items brand new, I would have paid nothing short of a 100 dollars. For me, that I a huge save. It I one of the cheapest ways of making your home look expensive on a budget.


Have you noticed how rich people’s homes are not a cluttered a those of the rest of us? Even in movies, rich houses have little to no items on the wall or floor. In addition, if they are there, the owners prefer to have one large item that takes all the attention and that’s it.

Minimalism is slowly building a cult of its own. This is the direct opposite of the above-mentioned methods of making your home look expensive on a budget. Simplicity requires you to stay away from addition. Just have minimal furniture, no all clutter, and a lot of light in your house and voila. You are now living like the rich people are.


Lastly, one affordable way of decorating your house on a budget is by the use of plants. All you have to do is know which plant works best for which space. Avoid putting so many plants that you lack space to walk in. Also, avoid plants that take up too much space. Strategic positioning is all you need. You can stand out by getting unique yet affordable plant pots and vases. It is both a cheap and environmentally friendly solution the question of how to make your home look expensive on a budget.

Janet E Johnson

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